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Analysis and Future Outlook for the Polyester Raw Materials Market
——Shen Yinjiao, CCFGroup

2024-09-13 10:19:13

Shen Yinjiao, Chief Analyst from CCFGroup, delivered her report of Analysis and Future Outlook for the Polyester Raw Materials Market.


The report is divided into three parts.

Part One: Polyester Industry Chain Supply and Demand Evolution. Ms. Shen discussed the capacity growth trends, overcapacity, industry support optimization, and capacity structure adjustments. She concluded that the polyester industry chain has seen significant capacity growth and structural adjustments, with improvements in industry support and concentration indicating a more robust and efficient market operation.

Part Two: Polyester Raw Material Market Review. Ms. Shen outlined key market characteristics, covering price fluctuations, operating rates, exports, and inventory levels. She noted that the polyester feedstock market during this time was marked by significant price volatility, continued capacity growth, and strong export performance. Effective inventory management also played a key role in stabilizing the market.

Part Three: Future Market Outlook. Ms. Shen analyzed the expected capacity expansions, the slowdown in polyester demand growth, and advancements in technology and capacity upgrades. She believes that the development of the polyester raw materials market will be influenced by multiple factors, including capacity expansions, demand changes, and technological progress. Industry participants should monitor these dynamics to seize market opportunities.

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