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PET market global overview
——Xu Zhiying, General Manager of G.S.I.'s China representative office

2023-06-16 08:33:50


The report is divided into five parts:

Part 1: Global PET market situation. In this section, Mr Xu analyzed the supply and demand of PET on the global market, the operating rate of the global polyester industry, and the excess capacity of PET, stating that the Chinese polyester industry had oversupply, while Europe, North America, and South Africa needed imports.


Part 2: China PET market situation. Mr. Xu pointed out that China was still the world leader in PET production, and its exports would continue to remain at 4.5 million tons this year, ranking first. In the future, the production of recycled PET would be crucial for Chinese manufacturers.


Part 3: Analysis of the European PET market. Xu analyzed European PET producers, PET supply and demand from 2014 to 2022, PET imports from 2016 to 2022, and the import origins of European PET. He also indicated that due to insufficient production, Europe needed to import PET, and there were nearly 3 million tons of capacity distributed in zero-tariff countries, such as Turkey, Vietnam, and Egypt.


Part 4: Virgin PET and recycled PET. This section described the advantages of recycled PET, the production and supply of virgin and recycled PET in Europe, the 2022 European recycled PET market, the value chain prices of European recycled PET, and the collection rate of European PET bottles. He also discussed how to promote a stable supply of recycled PET.


Part 5: Global logistics and factors affecting PET bottle prices. This section introduced the global logistics situation and analyzed the factors affecting the prices of PET bottles in Europe from the perspective of EU anti-dumping policies, currency value, and circular economy. Finally, G.S.I. was introduced.

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